Ai Analysis to get the most out of your guest reviews

Reviews are full of insights. Ai can pull them out and make them actionable.

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Person in a hotel pool with reviews about their stay
Of guests change their opinion after reading reviews.
Say online reputation influences their choice.
Read reviews before booking a hotel.


Review Analysis

We analyze every review. Categorize it. Identify sentiment. Find similar reviews so you can spot trends. Tell you how likely it is to affect future bookings. And more.

Hotel review with analysis and similar reviews
Line graph of cleanliness issues

Learn from the trends

Dig deep into how guests are feeling, identify trends over time and provide actionable insights on how to improve.

Consolidated action items.

When guests identify improvement areas, we flag them. Then you can see how many reviews are talking about the same issues.

List of things to do
AI response for a review

Thoughtful response templates

We generate responses to every review. Edit them and use them in your replies.

Powerful AI

Goldmine AI is a hotel operations expert trained specifically on data from your public reviews and information. Ask it anything you want.

Chat with AI about complex questions

Why it matters

What your guests say impacts your business.

Happy Guests

Future bookings

Public reviews dramatically impact your future bookings, and a proactive strategy is good for revenue.

Hotel staff talking

Better Experiences

Spot what's going on and make operational changes before they become an issue.

Hotel staff looking at reviews

Clear Reporting

Easily understand and share how your property is doing with everyone that matters.

Try Expansive for your hotel for free.

Only your public Booking URL needed.

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